Colosseum Shooter Patch Notes Version

Colosseum Shooter Patch Notes V

Please look at the start screen to see what version you are using.

Please note that this is an early prototype build, so things may not work as intended and will be changed in later updates.

General Changes/Fixes:

  • New tutorials added to the tutorial menu.

Player Changes:

  • Fix the issue where the bullet would go through walls.
  • Fixed the issue where bullets wouldn't go through barriers.
  • Name of the level will appear at the top of the results screen
  • Fixed the issue where if the player pressed the dash button while stationery, it would activate causing the player to wait for it to recharge before they could dash.

Menu Changes/Fixes:

  • Level select
    • Text has been added to the top of the page that says "level select." 
    • Level buttons size had been increased
    • Level image has been increased.
    • Description text window has been increased.
    • Background has been added.
  • Tutorial menu
    • Current tutorial image has been made bigger.
    • Current tutorial title has been moved above the tutorial image.
    • Tutorial option slider length size has been increased.
  • Enemy menu
    • Enemy name has been moved below the image of the enemy.
    • Enemy type and size have been added.
    • Text has been added to the top of the page that says "enemies."
  • Gauntlet menu
    • Level image has been increased.
    • Button layout has been changed.
    • Text has been added to the top of the page that says "gauntlet."
  • Options menu
    • Small changes with text position
    • All Slider size has been increased
      • Handle for the sliders size has been decreased
  • All buttons that return to the main menu have been removed. This has been change text that says "Return" with button prompt for the keyboard
    • On the option menu it say "Apply & Return."

Enemy Change/Fixes:

  • Flamethrower enemy hit box has been increased.

Stage Change/Fixes:

Gauntlet stages

  • Change the text on the tutorial levels to show the correct information
  • Change the trigger box on the goal point.


Colosseum Shooter V 20 MB
May 01, 2024

Get Project SP (formally Colosseum Shooter)

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