Colosseum Shooter Patch Notes Version

Colosseum Shooter Patch Notes V

Please look at the start screen to see what version you are using.

Please note that this is an early prototype build, so things may not work as intended and will be changed in later updates.

Player Changes:

  • Bullets from the player's gun has had its trigger box scaled down.

Menu Changes/Fixes:

  • Updated level icons on the level select menu to be more accurate to the current state of the level.

Stage Change/Fixes:


  • New gate and gate edges models added.
  • Right side tunnel has had minor changes.
  • Enemy spawn points have been added/moved.
  • The two gates at the front of the stage have been removed and replaced with a single gate.
  • Alterations to the enemy tunnel under the map, in order to get to the player faster.


Colosseum Shooter V 19 MB
Mar 01, 2024

Get Project SP (formally Colosseum Shooter)

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