Colosseum Shooter Patch Notes Version

Colosseum Shooter Patch notes V

Please look at the start screen to see what version you are using.

General Changes/Fixes:

  • The player will no longer instantly drop to the floor when walking off an edge.
  • Melee Weapon now passes through objects/enemies. It is now easier to now if it has collided.
  • Minor changes to payers hud.
  • Score counter rolls up to the current score instead of immediately showing it.
  • Camera Sensitivity has been added.
    • To find this option click on options - camera. Move the slider to change your camera sensitivity to what you find comfortable.

Menu Changes/Fixes:

  • All buttons/Information  text has been changed.
    • Main menu button text decreased.
    • Game over screen text increased.
    • Player pause menu decreased.
  • Altered the option menu.
    • In graphic menu resolution has been move to the top of the page.
    • Remove some text on the option menu that tell you what page you are on.
    • Rescaled/moved text on all pages.
  • Minor changes to tips and enemy menu.
  • Back buttons on all pages now aligned at the same position.
    • They have been renamed to close.

Enemy Change/Fixes:

  • Enemy point value from drops has been increased from 1 point to 100 points.
    • This has been changed in the enemy menu.
    • Number of drops from enemies remains the same.
  • Fixed issue where ammo drones couldn't be damaged by player melee attacks.
  • Ammo drones have a new nav system and will no longer go through walls. They will also avoid objects in their way.
  • Ammo drone speed increased from from 5 to 7.5.
  • The Sawblade enemy has had its model changed.
    • The saw blade part now looks more like a saw blade than a disc.
    • The under part of the body is more rounded.

Stage Change/Fixes:


  • The lower walls of the colosseum have had the colours changed so as not to blend the enemies into the walls, while they still have placeholder textures.

Get Project SP (formally Colosseum Shooter)

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