Colosseum Shooter Devlog #13

Project SP Devlog #13

Hey everyone, I am here to keep you up to date with upcoming changes and features coming to the game in the future.

Barrier changes

I have made it so that it is much easier to see them from afar by giving them patterns. 

Obviously I still need to get patterns for you to be able to differentiate the two types from one another, in arena stages. But as for now you should be able to see them more clearly than just the edge hue that was around any wall the barrier touched.

None damage barriers

Damage barriers 

The colour on the damage barriers has been changed for an orange colour to a red one, in order to look less like the barriers in the gauntlet stages.

Results screen changes

I have added a combo tracker to the result screen showing you the highest combo that you have gotten on the level. Also due to the amount of information now on the results screen, the name of the score gained and its value have been put next to each other to be more easily read.

Game settings

Two things have been changed in the settings, one being that the frame is now capped, so now it wont go to insanely high numbers, when playing. The second thing is Vsync being added, this can be turned on or off in the graphics window on the option menu.

Ice chasm Reworks

I am currently reworking the Ice chasm stage. I will update you on its progress in the next devlog with its reworks hopefully being added in the following update.

So a quick summary of everything in this Devlog. Update to Barriers in arena stages, changes to the layout of the results screen including adding a combo tracker, Vsync setting, frame rate cap and reworking of Ice Chasm Stage.

Any other change will be added to the patch notes when the next update is released. 

Thanks for reading and I hope you continue to enjoy the game.

Get Project SP (formally Colosseum Shooter)

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